The Freeform Trouble Rare Monster Archives - The Terrible Telegraphs From Year Three


The frightful month of October has slithered around again, bringing with it the latest in monster research from the world class agents of the Freeform Trouble Rare Monster Archives Team. Join us for the rest of this month as we peel back the pernickety pages of these dastardly dossiers of devilish denizens. Who knows what kind of hellish and haunting creatures we may encounter? Can we possibly imagine? Do we dare?

All I know is that there is a rich assortment amongst these findings and profiles, the materials for which have been gleaned by our agents through subterfuge, thievery, ransacking, piracy, diplomacy, trickery, burglary and outright tom-foolery. Through these skills and others our daring team have gained exclusive access to hidden government vaults, sunken shipwrecks, secret military bases, forgotten libraries and confidential records.

The stupendous scope of our scintillating specimens is summed up by this quote from the eminent Swiss-American Biologist and Geologist Louis Agassiz:

“The possibilities of existence run so deeply into the extravagant that there is scarcely any conception to extraordinary for nature to realize.”

So brave with us if you will in the coming days and weeks as we reveal the results of this year’s intrepid investigations.

And if you are feeling particularly courageous you can explore the riveting results from the previous two years over at the Freeform Trouble Rare Monster Archives.

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