An Emergence To Consciousness is a Digital Collage which manifests into being by synthesizing meaning from our environments and experiences. Our intuition guides our focus, absorbing some information and highlighting some aspects of our experience and editing out other elements based on our immediate situation; but also through the most intimate elements of ourselves, our personal histories, our values, our interests, our agendas, our vices, our pleasures, our hates and our loves. A subtle and powerful process of questioning. What feels pertinent? What feels meaningful? What feels right?
In Gestalt psychology we describe this process as a figure (That is something of meaning, needing our attention) which emerges from the background of our experience, to be engaged with and then when the necessary change comes about the figure of our focus fades into the background again, altering it to in the process. There is a cycle to our experience of the world, awareness, engagement, creative enterprise, integration and finally a return to rest, making space for a new figure to emerge into awareness.